Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Feelin Good

Encouragement, a positive impact we can have on others.  Ever have one of those really horrible days and someone says something uplifting or encouraging and you start to feel a little better.  Its amazing the impact a persons positive words can have on another.  We have the ability to literally change someones day for the better when we choose to be encouraging.

Receiving encouragement feels good.  It can put us in a better mood and just make our day a little brighter.  Even the smallest bit of encouragement can bring a smile to our face.

Giving encouragement feels just as good.  When we think something positive or nice about someone else we should tell them.  When we are paying attention, we notice other people and what they are doing.  We may never realize the impact we could have on a person by sharing something as simple as, "you did a great job on that project."  Keeping nice thoughts to ourselves does nothing for the person, saying it to them might.

So how can we be more encouraging?  Its really easy...

Say It:  Tell others the positive things you see in them or share some of the attributes you appreciate about them.  Dont wait on it, pick up the phone and actually talk to the person.  They may be shocked you called.

Write It:  The most popular ways to communicate today; if you dont have a ton of time send a quick text or email with some encouraging words.  Even saying, "I hope you have a nice day" or "I was thinking about you" is encouraging.  Better yet hand write a note for another person.  Talk about feelin good.  When someone takes the time to sit and write you a hand written note, you cant help but feeling cared about.  Hand written notes truly show effort.

Get creative maybe there are other ways you can encourage others.  Saying it and writing it are easy.  We all want to feel good, being encouraging is an act we can take to do our part.  We just have to take the time to do it.    

Question for the Day:  How can I be more of an encouragement to those around me?

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