Thursday, February 13, 2014

Power of Parenting

Last night I was watching a movie about Spartan warriors.  The story unfolded with a young Spartan boy and his training in the way of the Spartan warrior life.  This indoctrination was a daily, minute by minute experience for the child.  He lived, breathed and would die the Spartan way.  When the child had grown to the fullness of becoming a Spartan, he would later pass these traits onto his own children.

What struck me was the passion and conviction in which these families passed on their beliefs and the response their children gave in return.  The children grew to be warriors and had the same passion and conviction of beliefs.  They counted it an honor and even longed for a death on the battle field protecting their way of life.

If you have seen any movies that pertain to this type of culture you may be thinking that's abusive and extreme.  I am not endorsing the way these children were treated, I merely think there are things we can glean from this kind of passion and conviction.  It really made me ask myself, what am I passionate about and convicted enough about to pass onto my children?  What have I engraved so deeply into my life that it overflows into my daily interactions with those around me any my children?

It made me ask myself several questions:
Most importantly what am I teaching my children about God?  Have I taught them about his character and love for us and others?  Have I displayed the importance of living a Godly life by being an example to my children?

What am I really teaching my kids daily about:
love:  a true love for mankind that goes beyond what they deserve.
Joy:  a joy that flows from within that cannot be taken away even through difficult times.
Peace:  a peace that is always there not matter what the circumstances because of a trust in God.
Patience:  a patience that goes beyond waiting your turn but a calmness when dealing with difficult people.
Kindness:  a kindness extended to all even those that others mistreat.
Goodness:  a goodness that comes from a pure heart and mind that extends due to God's goodness to us.
Faithfulness:  a faithfulness that is true and deep, that stays strong and steady no matter the cost.
Gentleness:  a gentleness that goes beyond kind words but is shown by actions.
Self-control:  a self-control that is a result of hard work and focusing on what is good, true and right.

The list could go on regarding all of the wonderful things I could teach my kids.  These are some of the things that were foremost in my mind.  It is easy to look at these lists or even add to it and think its a lot to teach, there is no way I can be the example I need to be, its to late, im doing the best I can, or I have done enough.

The bottom line is that we really need to examine ourselves and realize that when we have children, life is not all about us (Im sure most of us understand this concept).  Our actions have consequences on our children, positive and negative.  This is not to say that  if we teach our kids to be Godly and loving that they will never stray from what we have taught them.  They ultimately have a choice on how they will choose to live their life and there is no perfect formula for being a parent.

The fact of the matter is we will shape our child's views, help build their character and will guide them down a path for their future.  The fact that we have that much power over a human being should not be taken lightly.

I know that if my passion and conviction is that God is real, alive and living in and though me, my kids should be experiencing this truth also.  I should be passing all that goes along with being a Christ follower on to them.  Just as the Spartans passion and conviction was passed on to their children how much more important that my passion and conviction be passed onto mine?

Thought for the day:  I will never be a perfect parent or do everything right, but what is it I need to do differently to encourage and influence my children down the right path?  How can I be more passionate and convicted about what I believe so that it will forever be in the hearts of my children?    


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