Friday, January 27, 2012


Today I thought I would just write about some things I have been talking to Jesus about and what he has been sharing with me. 

You see I find myself in a continual conversation with Jesus about what His plan in for my life.  I know he has a wonderful plan that far surpasses any plan I could make for myself.  But even with this knowledge I still continue to ask when.  That question:  When is it going to happen Jesus?

You know that question:  when will I get that promotion, that job, that house, the provision Im looking for, that thing I think I need, that relationship, that marriage, kids...the list could go on and on about when will, fill in the blank happen.

Sometimes if feels like a lifetime has passed before we come to the answer to the when.  Because the when can come at the least expected time, I have to continually remind myself that Jesus timing is not my timing.  As I talk with Jesus, he consistently has to tell me, "I have a plan for you.  I know where you are to be and what you are to be doing.  I care for you and want to best for you and it will come." 

Do I feel comforted with these words?  The answer is yes and no.  I feel peace knowing Jesus is always in control, really does want the best for me and has a plan for my future but I also feel frustrated at times.  When ever I hear Jesus give me an answer I dont like such as wait, I imagine myself as a two year old stomping my feel as I walk around in circles with the knowledge that I am not going to get my way (what I want right this second). 

Having children has opened my eyes a lot to the childlike attitude I can have with Jesus when I feel like he is not providing or preforming up to my expectations.  It's no wonder that we need a father like God. 

No question about it, being patient and accepting what Jesus speaks to us can be difficult.  But there is comfort.  The comfort that he does have a plan and no matter how long we have to wait for it, it is worth more then we could have ever imagined. 

Thought for the Day:  Are you willing to patiently wait for God's plan for you to unfold, or will you be impatient and rush your own?

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